Abstract submission

Abstract Submission for oral and poster presentation

We invite you to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations that address the congress theme or important topics related to ageing. Below are the detailed guidelines for submitting abstracts for both presentation types. Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your submission is properly reviewed and considered for inclusion in the program. Guidelines for the late-breaking abstract submission are similar to the regular abstract submission.
All accepted symposia and abstracts will be published in the Journal of Global Ageing and in the IAGG 2026 mobile app.

Important dates


Opening call for abstract submission Tuesday 1 July 2025
Registration opened Wednesday 1 October 2025
Deadline abstract submission Tuesday 10 November 2025
Confirmation of abstracts January 2026
Opening call for late-breaking abstracts submission January 2026
Deadline Late breaking abstract submission Tuesday 11 March 2026
Confirmation of late-breaking abstracts May 2026

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will focus on the latest research and developments in the field of aging. Presenters will have an opportunity to present their findings in structured, 90-minute sessions containing multiple presentations about a specific theme.

1. Abstract Content and Format

Language and Length
o Abstracts must be written in English.
o The abstract should not exceed 1750 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 words.

Content Structure

o Indicate the topic (linkje naar lijst topics) closest to the symposium’s content.
o Upon submission you can indicate if you want to compete in abstract prizes.

Use the following sections
o Background: Provide a brief overview of the research topic and its significance.
o Study Setup (Methods): Outline the methods used in your study or research.
o Results: Summarize the key findings of the research. The results must be the original work of the authors listed.
o Discussion: Offer an interpretation of the results and discuss their relevance or implications.

Learning Outcomes
o Abstracts should include two learning outcomes, limited to 350 characters (approximately 50 words). These should explain what attendees will gain from your presentation.

o Spell out the full name or term the first time you use an abbreviation, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use the abbreviation thereafter.

2. Submission and Review

o It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the abstract is free of typos, grammatical errors, or any inaccuracies.
o Once submitted, no changes can be made after the abstract deadline has passed.
o Oral presentations will be organized by topic tracks, grouping related presentations. Presenters will be given maximum of 10 minutes per presentation, with 2 to 3 minutes time for questions.
o Session Format: Each oral presentation session will last 90 minutes, featuring 5 presentations, with time for a brief Q&A after each.
Moderation: A moderator will be assigned to each session. The moderator will introduce each speaker, manage time, and facilitate questions.

Poster Presentations

Poster presentations are an excellent way to present research visually, and at the IAGG 2026, posters will receive special attention through topic-specific poster tours guided by a moderator and late-breaking poster abstract pitches

1. Abstract Content and Format

Language and Length
o Abstracts must be written in English.

Abstracts should not exceed 1750 characters (including spaces), which is approximately 250 words content Structure:
o Background: Provide a brief overview of the research topic and its significance.
o Study Setup (Methods): Outline the methods used in your study or research.
o Results: Summarize the key findings of the research. The results must be the original work of the authors listed.
o Discussion: Discuss the significance of the findings and any implications.

Learning Outcomes
o Include two learning outcomes in your abstract, limited to 350 characters (approximately 50 words).

o Spell out the full name or term the first time you use an abbreviation, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use the abbreviation thereafter.

2. Submission and Review

o As with oral presentations, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the abstract is free of typos and grammatical errors.
o No changes can be made after the abstract deadline has passed.
o Poster Format:  Posters should visually document your research through text, charts, graphs, and other visual aids.
o Poster Sessions: Posters will be displayed in open areas accessible to attendees during designated time slots.

Poster Tours
o Presenters may be assigned to topic-specific poster tours where they will have the opportunity to give a brief 2-3 minute oral presentation of their work, followed by a short Q&A session.

Topic Grouping
o Posters will be grouped by related topics and placed together to facilitate easier interaction with relevant research

General Submission Information

o Results: For both oral and poster presentations, the results must be the original work of the authors listed in the abstract.
o Abstract Integrity: Authors are fully responsible for ensuring that the abstract is accurate and error-free before submission.
o Deadline for Submission: Abstract submissions must be received by the stated deadline. No changes can be made after submission.
o Registration Requirement: The presenting author must be registered for the congress by the specified date, to confirm participation in the presentation.

Following these detailed guidelines will help ensure that your submission is complete, accurate, and ready for review. Thank you for contributing your research to this global congress on ageing. We look forward to your participation.