Nathalie van der Velde

Nathalie van der Velde is a consultant and full professor at the Geriatrics Department of the Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands. In 2022 she became a member of the Academic Board of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) and subsequently has been appointed as Academic Director 2024-2026. With regard to editorial tasks she serves as Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Age & Ageing since 2022.
Nathalie is both nationally and internationally involved in (research)activities to improve falls and fracture prevention. Among others she chairs the EuGMS SIG Falls & Fractures, founded its Task and Finish Group on fall-risk-increasing drugs, and represents the EuGMS at the board of the Fragility Fracture Network. She is also executive board member of the World Falls Prevention Society where she co-chairs the World Falls Guidelines Steering Committee.