1 . Abstract Content and Format
Language and Length:
o All abstracts must be written in English.
o Abstracts should not exceed 1750 characters (including spaces), equivalent to roughly 250 words.
o All abstracts should be submitted at once. (3-5 presentations)
o All (co) authors and presenters should be submitted at once including contact details.
Content Overview:
o Provide an overall symposium introduction.
o Indicate the topic (linkje naar lijst topics) closest to the symposium’s content.
o Add the abstracts of all individual presenters.
o Per individual abstract; use the following sections:
o Background: Provide a brief overview of the research topic and its significance.
o Study Setup (Methods): Outline the methods used in your study or research.
o Results: Summarize the key findings of the research. The results must be the original work of the authors listed.
o Discussion: Offer an interpretation of the results and discuss their relevance or implications.
o Upon submission you can indicate if you want to compete in abstract prizes.
Learning Outcomes:
o Include a statement of two learning outcomes, not exceeding 350 characters (approximately 50 words) per abstract (For example: after the symposium, participants will…)
o Specify what attendees will gain from participating in the symposium.
2. Use of Abbreviations
o If using abbreviations, spell out the full term at the first mention followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
o Use the abbreviation consistently throughout the abstract after the initial mention.
3. Accuracy and Proofreading
o It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the abstract is free of typos, grammatical errors, and other inaccuracies.
o No changes to the abstract will be allowed after the submission deadline.
4. Symposium Format
Each symposium session will last 90 minutes and typically includes:
o Indication of type of symposium:
Career Building Symposia |
Target audience: early to mid-career scholars and professionals. Symposia that are organized to disseminate skills, networks and/or information to help boost the (scientific) work of attendants. For example: meet the editor, meet the expert |
General Symposia |
Symposia consisting of a number of contributions/speakers covering a specific topic |
Research Infrastructure Symposia |
Symposia that highlighted infrastructures that can be used by scholars for empirical research. |
Special Committee Reports |
Symposia for the presentation, dissemination and discussion of activities and results from topical committees, such as WHO, Lancet, and other committees |
Special Interest Symposia |
Symposia about topical issues that are of global importance, scheduled at strategic positions in the program to maximize attendance |
o 3-5 presentations that address different aspects of the symposium topic.
o Allocated time for questions and audience discussions.
o A chair and a discussant
o Presenters are encouraged to coordinate their presentations to ensure a cohesive session structure.
5. Responsibilities for Accepted Symposia
o Upon acceptance, all presenters are required to register for IAGG 2026 to guarantee participation in IAGG 2026.
o Additional instructions will be provided in the acceptance notification.
Following these guidelines will help ensure that your symposium abstract is reviewed effectively and provides value to congress participants. Thank you for your attention to detail and adherence to these standards in your submission.